
近年来,随着互联网的发展和市场的进步,零售业遇到了前所未有的多方挑战。市场环境的复杂化,竞争的加剧,致使零售业的经营成本不断上升。零售商在拼命满足客户需求的同时,经营境况却日益窘迫。零售业自身具有业务分布广,人员多,管理难度高的特点,尤其是我国的本土零售业,还需要抵御国外零售商的强大竞争,生存空间更加狭小。在这些挑战和竞争面前,零售商只有加快产品上市周期、同时千方百计地吸引和留住更多客户,才能在竞争激烈的市场环境下占有一席之位。而实现这一切,都离不开一个决定性因素——高效而及时的决策。电子商务作为一种新兴的沟通交流方式,利用互联网帮助零售业缩短产品开发周期,提高生产率,加快产品上市周期,加速决策,并在其遍布全球的团队之间展开无障碍通信。此外,电子商务还有利于零售商内部业务培训及技术支持;打破地域限制,及时做出商业决策、解决客户纠纷或推广最新产品及服务,优化资源分配,减少差旅时间和费用,从而降低 CO2 排量,保护环境的同时,也提高了员工的生活品质。因此,在计算机信息与网络技术的普及与发展的前提下,全球越来越多的零售企业开始纷纷开展电子商务。


BE an information-based ages for 21 centuries, three industry under the influence that the specific weight of all countries continuously ascension, information servicing business become for 21 centuries of predominance industry, this caused electronic commerce of creation and development, at world information-based general situation get rid of, the electronic commerce of all countries continuously of improvement with perfect, the electronic commerce become each nation and each archduke department fight of focus.And, along with world Internet of fast fierce development, electronic commerce scale day by day extension, according to the iResearch moxa Rui market consultation release of data manifestation, 2007 world the electronic commerce market attain 8.8 USD, China the total scale of the electronic commerce market attain 1,700,000,000,000 dollars.Hence, all countries continuously development the form be diverse, characteristics each difference of electronic commerce project.
In recent years, along with the progress of the development and market of Internet, the retail trade met unprecedentedly and in many ways challenge.The complication of the market environment, competition of turn worse, cause retail trade of management cost continuously ascension.Dealer at try very hard to satisfy customer need of in the meantime, management circumstances but hard-pressed day by day.The retail trade oneself has business to distribute wide, personnel many, management difficulty Gao of characteristics, particularly is our country of mainland retail trade, also demand resist abroad dealer of strong competition, existence space more narrow and small.Under the market environment that these challenge and competition in front, dealer only speed product appear on market a period, in the meantime by all manners attraction and keep more customer, then can at competition vehemence occupy 1 of.But realization all these, all can not get away from a decisive factor-efficiently but in time of decision.The electronic commerce is a kind of newly arisen communication exchanges way, make use of Internet help the retail trade shorten a product development period, exaltation rate of production, speed the product appear on market a period, acceleration decision, and spread all over at it world of the of team launch have no obstacle correspondence.On top of that, the electronic commerce be advantageous to business in the dealer inner part training and technique support;Break a region restriction, in time do a business decision and solve customer's dispute or expansion latest product and service, excellent turn a resources allotment, decrease bad trip time and expenses, lower a CO2 row quantity thus, environmental protection of in the meantime, also exaltation the employee's quality of life.Therefore, under the premise that the calculator information and the network technique of universality and development, world more and more of retail business enterprise beginning open exhibition electronic commerce in succession.
2008 is the year that Olympic game in Peking hold, world people and business enterprises in all countries would ratio more former of concern China, local market would unprecedentedly to world open.This mean China retail trade economy development of a big cross over, the electronic commerce of the retail trade certanly will also gradually development get up, pound at tradition the position of the retail trade need not to query, the Internet information will become new of industrial revolution of predominance strength, the electronic commerce will become retail trade of new economy growth point.But, of website growth and invalid benefit of anti- bad, electronic commerce trade of safety technique and credibility bad, trade both parties lack prestige etc. already severity check and supervision our country electronic commerce of development, electronic commerce of development at China face to emphasize heavy difficult situation.But the information technique have already become with its related electronic commerce China business enterprise at new the century get into the real opportunity of world.The market will open more, business enterprise ducting electronic commerce of the comparison will keep on increment, China will become electronic commerce at the world development most quick, potential one of the biggest regions.Retail trade electronic commerce in China shouldn't persistently shine on to move abroad mode, summary match China state of the nation of network management method and principle, create to belong to China retail trade oneself of electronic commerce technique, then can make network management promote of real meaning China retail trade of steady fast development.

Keyword:The retail trade, the electronic commerce, with each other connect a net, information
第1个回答  2008-08-31
第2个回答  2008-09-02