

第1个回答  2015-12-27
There was like a friend in the journey of my life, and he that is my classmate, and my classmate

He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, high nose is under a foot sized laugh mouth size, therefore, the students call him "Ginger mouth." His eight seven meters tall, flat front brain also keep a few long bangs, looks handsome.

He introverted, fear is to communicate with others, and may introverted but he loves to play basketball. On the court because of his high head, flexible movement, the most adept to the number of rebounds, so, the students also called him "rebounding." Whenever the contradiction between the two of us have the same passion for basketball and I would go to the stadium on a fight he, after a game down, sweating and reconciled the two will.本回答被网友采纳