求一首欧美女歌手的歌曲的歌名,挺嗨的。高潮的开头好像是“I say(said) ya yi ya,

求一首欧美女歌手的歌曲的歌名,挺嗨的。高潮的开头好像是“I say(said) ya yi ya,I say(said) ya yi ya”这样重复两次的,后面就不记得了。好好听好嗨,求歌名

第1个回答  2016-03-12
waht's up

Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what s going on?
Ooh, ooh ooh
and I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what s going on?

Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination追问



waht's up


歌词有点像,但我那首的高潮是“I say ya yi ya”然后同一个高潮第二次唱到这个位置时就变成wu wu wu~

第2个回答  2017-11-19
第3个回答  2018-07-27
你可能搞错了国家,那应该是日本的泽野弘之的源自2014年7月发表的一部原创机战动画名为《AldnoahZero》中的ED2《aLIEz》,也被称作“核爆神曲",而你说的高潮I say ya yi ya。应该是 歌词“爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR”而你说的后面改成wu wu wu,应该是歌词“Don’t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World”中的后半部分. 歌词大致如下ps:歌词来源搜狗百科
[00:20.28] 决めつけばかり 自惚れを着た チープなhokoriで 音荒げても
一直主观决断,总是自负逞强 明明只是在夸耀自己一文不值的骄傲
ki me tsuke bakari unubo re wo ki ta chiipu na hokori de oto aragetemo
[00:29.93] 棚に隠した 哀れな
tanani kakushita awa re na
[00:38.68] 耻に濡れた镜の中
hajini nureta kagamino naka
[00:38.98] 都合の伤だけひけらかして/ 手軽な强さで胜取る术を
tsugou no kizu dake hikerakashite tegaru na tsuyosa de kachitoru subewo
[00:48.54] どれだけ磨いでも気はやつれる ふらついた思想通りだ
dore dake toidemo kiha yatsureru furatsuita shisou doorida
[00:57.50] 爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR
心一直在哭泣 用谎言来安慰受伤的心
ai same crier aibu save liar
[01:02.25] Eid-圣-Rising HELL
eid sei rising hell
[01:04.77] 爱してる Game世界のDay
ai shiteru game sekai no day
[01:07.16] Don*t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World
不要创造战争 谎言变成战争世界的战士
dont sei war lie heishi war world
[01:11.86] Eyes-Hate-War
[01:14.38] A-Z Looser-Krankheit-Was IS das?
A-Z 宽容为何一种病
[01:28.14] 受け売り盾に 见下してても そこには地面しかない事さえ
uke uri tatenimikudashitetemo sokoniha jimenn shikanaikoto sae
[01:37.96] 気付かぬままに 壊れた 过去に负けた镜の奥
假装不知道 那些遭受的破坏 是过去背负的命运在镜中映射的影子
kizukanu mamani kowareta kako ni maketa kagami no oku
[01:46.96] どこまで叫べば位置を知れる とどめもないまま息が切れる
doko made sakebeba ichi wo shireru todomemonai mama ikiga kireru
[01:56.42] 堂々さらした罪の群れと 后ろ向きにあらがう
doudou sarashita tsumi no mure to ushiro muki ni aragau
[02:05.34] 爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR
心一直在哭泣 用谎言来安慰受伤的心
ai same crieraibu save liar
[02:10.02] Aid-圣-Rising HELL
aid sei rising hell
[02:12.62] I*ll-ness Reset-Endじゃない Burst
我会重置 直到不再爆破
ill ness reset end jyanai burst
[02:15.21] Don*t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World
不要创造战争 谎言变成战争世界的战士
dont sei warlie heishi war world
[02:19.89] Eyes-Hate-War
[02:22.31] A-Z 想像High-de-Siehst YOU das?
A-Z 想象着躲藏在高处的你的想法
[02:43.79] 伪の态度な 臆病Loud Voice
虚伪的心灵 大声呼喊着:懦弱
nise no taidona okubyo loud voice
[02:48.50] 気高さを 勘违いした心臓音
趾高气昂 遮掩着内心的声音
ketakasawo kannchigaishita shinnzou onn
[02:53.45] 狙い通りの 幻见ても
目标是那样的 如幻觉一般地
netaitoorino maboroshi mitemo
[02:58.21] 満たせない 何度も目を开けても
不论多少次睁开眼睛 都无法出现
mitasenai nanndomo mewo aketemo
[03:04.46] どこまで叫べば位置を知れる とどめもないまま息が切れる
dokomade sakebeba ichi wo shireru todomemonai mama ikigakireru
[03:14.05] 堂々さらした罪の群れと 后ろ向きにあらがう
doudou sarashita tsumino mureto uchiro mukini aragau
[03:22.83] 爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR
心一直在哭泣 用谎言来安慰受伤的心
ai same crieraibu save liar
[03:27.72] Eid-圣-Rising HELL
aid sei rising hell
[03:30.13] 爱してる Game世界のDay
aishiteru game sekai no day
[03:32.63] Don*t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World
不要创造战争 谎言变成战争世界的战士
dont sei war lie heishi war world
[03:37.29] Eyes-Hate-War
[03:39.71] A-Z Looser-Krankheit-Was IS das?
A/Z 想象着躲藏在高处的你的想法
[03:43.36] Leben, was ist das?
[03:45.71] Signal, Siehst du das?
[03:48.15] Rade, die du nicht weisst
[03:50.55] Aus eigenem Willen
[03:52.87] Leben, was ist das?
[03:55.55] Signal, Siehst du das?
[03:57.78] Rade, die du nicht weisst
[04:00.24] Sieh mit deinen Augen