
· Counts time base intervals when the instruction is true and retains the accumulated value when the instruction goes false or when power cycle occurs.
· The Retentive Timer instruction is a retentive instruction that begins to count time base intervals when rung conditions become true.
· The Retentive Timer instruction retains its accumulated value when any of the following occurs:
· Rung conditions become false.
· Changing Processor mode from REM run /Test / program mode.
· The processor loses power while battery back up is still maintained.and a fault occurs.
Note:To reset the accumulated value in RTO, you must use a reset instruction (RES) with the same address.

第1个回答  2006-04-24
. 计数时间基地间隔时间当指示是真实的并且保留积累价值当指示是假或当力量周期发生。
. 强的定时器指示是开始计数时间基地间隔时间的强的指示当阶情况变得真实。
. 强的定时器指示保留它的积累价值当任何以下发生:
. 阶情况变得假。
. 改变的处理器方式从REM 跑/Test/程序制作方式。
. 处理器丢失力量当备用电池是缺点发生的寂静的maintained.and 。Note:To 重新设置了积累价值在RTO, 您必须使用重新设置指示(皇家经济学会) 以同样地址。