

第1个回答  推荐于2017-07-04
Dr.Norman Bethune, born in Ontario, Canada in 1890, came to China in 1938. Then he presided the building of hospital and the establishing of the hygiene schools. He compiled various teaching materials and taught students in person. In the autumn of 1939, he intended to return back,but he gave up in order to help the patients. He, due to the infection, died on November 25th. Though he have passed away, he is the hero in Chinese's mind and will be remembered by all the Chinese people.本回答被网友采纳

Dr.Norman Bethune, born in Ontario, Canada in 1890, came to China in 1938. Then he presided the building of hospital and the establishing of the hygiene schools. He compiled various teaching materials and taught students in person. In the autumn of 1939, he intended to return ba...

He was a great friend of Chinese people.

3、片段中的“___”、“___”这两个词语写出了游人爬山时吃力的样子;“___”、“___”这两个词语写出了游人爬山时的畏难的情绪。短文拿游人和老人作对比,写出了老人___ ___ _。(3分)4、你觉得老人每天这么干活真的像他说的“不累”吗?他为什么说不累? (2分) (二)拥你入怀她病了,去医院诊断,...
