

第1个回答  2015-10-17
There is a supermarket in the east of the school.a wide range of goods there, everything. One is selling food, there are Coke, bread, ham, vegetables, and fruits. Floor is selling clothing, there are T-shirt, pants, shoes. Three are selling household appliances, color TV, refrigerator, freezer, computers, water heaters and the like.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-10-28
Recently the number of supermarkets is increasing at a past speed as more and more people accept this kind of store for them to buy goods.

The reason why people like to go shoping in a supermarket instead of a small store is very clear that supermarkets offer us all different kinds of goods you want. And you can buy anyting with many choices. Thus you won't have a trouble that you could buy a satisefied thing and what is much more important is that in supermarket you can buy goods in a very low price!