

My name is --. I was born and brought up in --. I went to -- city in 19-- to study in the medical college of -- university for 5 years. I majored in Clinical Medical Science. I was interested in it and have been working hard on it since I attended college. I was granted the scholarships each semester and graduated with a Bachelors degree in 2004. In a word, in my college life not only could I learn a great deal of specialized knowledge, but also could I learn to cooperate with others and deal with problems on my own. After my graduation, I went to work at -- Heart Disease Hospital as a heart physician. During the year I worked there, I’m very proud to say that the practice enhanced my understandings of the medical theory and kinds of heart diseases, and my operation skills was reinforced meantime. But also, I found that the college experience was far less enouph to cope with some kind of exceptional diseases, such as ... Therefore, I attended this examination and wanna keep on pursuing my medical study. I believe that my diligence will live up to your school motto——... (Since Im busy during weekdays,I like reading in my spare time.I always find the latest books in the field to read in order to keep abreast of the development in the dorman. Besides, I still read some books for fun, such as books on housekeeping, life and health, and fashion,etc. These books make me broad-minded and tasteful. ) Thats it, I think.
第1个回答  2008-09-22
我来回答:考研面试?首先还是得看你报考的哪个学校!比如说我们学校吧——西南石油学院石油工程学院的面试过程:1、面试报名、缴费(50.00元)2、参加面试(一般面试老师加上秘书共5个)3、面试内容:(1)首先是几分钟的英语口语——简要介绍自己(2)老师提问,你回答阶段:问题的内容包括你准备攻读的专业方向,对该专业的了解程度,以后准备往哪个方向发展,以及存不存在跨专业的问题等等。总的也就这些,其实都没有什么好担心,主要你得准备的是英语口语简介的材料,而且最好是脱稿说。另外,如果你是同等学历(比如:大专毕业工作两年之后再回来考研的),那么你还要加试两门专业课程,即还得花上6个小时参加两门专业课的考试(不过,都很简单的哈)。 14055希望对你有用!

参考资料:. kppjwve
