
当麦克参观完怪兽大学后就下定决心要考进怪兽大学,希望能在将来成为一个惊吓专员。最后他如愿以偿,在开学的当他晚上麦克遇到了苏利,后俩两人成为死对头,但在期末考试的时候两人在课堂上发生了一些意外,差点被校长开除。麦克为了证明自己可以成为一个出色的惊吓专员,证明校长开除他是错误的。于是他组成了一个‘Oozma Kappa’报名参加了惊吓大赛,由于还差一个组员,麦克不得已选了自己的死对头苏利。报名的时候麦克向校长保证如果他输了,他将离开怪兽大学,但是赢了则反之。在比赛过程中麦克与苏利渐渐地解开了心结成为了好朋友。

第1个回答  2014-04-26
When mike after visiting the university of monster monster is determined to get into university, hoping to become a frightened commissioner in the future. He finally got a chance, in the school when his night mike met sully, both of the two bitter rivals, but two people in the classroom when I was in the final exam some accident happened, is nearly expelled from the principal. Mike in order to prove he can become a great fright commissioner, prove the principal expelled him is wrong. So he formed a 'Oozma Kappa' enrolled in terror series, due to short of a group, mike had to choose his Nemesis sully. When signing up mike assured President if he loses, he will leave the monster university, but wins. Mike and sully gradually in the process追问

