

apart from, but, except, besides, in addition to.


  1.apart from 表示排斥,意思 “除了……之外(别无), 除了……之外(尚有)”

  Apart from sport, my other interest outside class is music.除了体育运动以外,我的另一课外兴趣是音乐.

  He has no interests, apart from his work.他除了工作以外,没有什么别的爱好.

  2.but 表示排斥,指 “除了…….之外(不再有)”, 经常同all, everyone, anyone 等代词,同nobody, none , nowhere 等否定词或who, what 等疑问代词以及最高级形容词搭配,后面可以是名词、介词短语、形容词、动词不定式等。

  We go to school everyday but Sunday.我们除了星期日每天都上学。

  The experiment is anything but easy.这个实验不简单。

  Nobody but you could solve the problem.除了你以外,谁也不会解决这个问题。

  注意:but 接动词不定式,当前面有do 或cannot 时,不定式不带to ;当前面有 anything, everything, nothing等词时,不定式不带to ;其余情况带 to 。

  例如:She can do anything but cook.她除了做饭以外,什么都会做。

  The old woman cannot but cry.这位老太太不禁大哭起来。

  We had no choice but to accept the fact.

  3.except表示排斥时,意思是“除了……以外”其后可接名词、代词、动名词、介词短语。当except 后接不定式时,如果其前面有动词do ,不定式不带 to。 一般不用于句首。

  We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.除了星期六和星期天外,我们每天都上学。

  Yesterday my friends came to my birthday party except Jim because of his broken leg.昨天我的朋友们都来参加我的生日聚会,除了吉姆因为他的腿摔断了来不了。

  The little boy can do nothing exercises except play the piano.这个小男孩除了会弹钢琴外什么也不会赶。

  Linda is fond of cooking except washing clothes.琳达喜欢做饭,就是不喜欢洗衣服。

  He looked for the key to his bike everywhere except in his schoolbag. 除了他的文具盒外,他到处都找遍了他的车钥匙。

  4.besides 表示“除了......之外(还有)”,其后可接名词、代词、动名词(词组)。

  There are some students to be regarded as top students besides you. 除了你之外还有一些学生被认为是优秀的。

  I have an egg, an orange a banana for breakfast besides two pieces of bread.除了早饭吃两片面包外我还吃一个鸡蛋、一个橘子和一个香蕉。

  This officer is crazy about reading besides traveling. 这位官员除了热忠于旅游外还有读书。

  in addition to 侧重表示“除了。。。。。。。之外还有。。。。。。。”的肯定含义。to是介词,其后跟名词、动名词。In addition to visiting his old friends, he stayed with his parents for several days during the holiday..在假期期间除了拜访几个老朋友外,他陪父母待了几天。In addition to some books, John send him a toy monkey.除了一些书外,约翰还给他寄了一个玩具猴。
第1个回答  2014-10-30
第2个回答  2014-10-30
beside except apart from
第3个回答  2014-10-30