Microsoft visual studio 2013 测试程序时无法启动程序

我是win8.1 32位的系统今天刚装了visual studio 2013,写了个C++试了一下,点调试的时候却一直弹出这个提示,到project文件夹里也找不到exe文件,求大神指导。

第1个回答  2014-04-25
第2个回答  2014-01-05
What you are seeing is normal for an empty project. When you create an empty project, it's exactly that, nothing is included or set up. VS doesn't know whether you're going to create a DLL, a library, an executable or something else. You would need to define all those things yourself, so it's not an easy way to start. If you have source code for a program, it will have a main program already defined, something like main(), _tmain(), or WinMain(). Do you have something like that?
If you just want to create a simple program from scratch, I suggest starting with a Win32 console app rather than an empty project.
Actually this problem is happen when you create new project as "Empty Project" but when you create "Win32 Console Application" it create .exe file.追问

This problem is solved,thanks a lot.But I am faced with another problem now.
“ConsoleApplication1.exe”(Win32): 已加载“C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll”。无法查找或打开 PDB 文件。
So what should I do?


1、点 调试
2、然后 选项和设置
3、右边勾上 启用源服务器支持
4、左边点 符号
6、运行的时候等一下 会从微软下载符号!
