求一些超幼稚超搞笑的短笑话(20字以下) 哄女朋友的! 注意是超幼稚的


第1个回答  2012-08-05
在超市里,看见一只五花大绑着的螃蟹从18.9元的冰柜里往28.9元的柜子里爬 我泪流满面,你太TM有上进心了!
第2个回答  2012-08-05
When playing with skipping rope, I play. One day playing with skipping rope, a kid came up to me and said: uncle, skipping lend me play right? I hear " Uncle " face is not happy, kid is smart, immediately said: brother, skipping lend me play right? I am a " brother "... Fuck! I was just like a man???
第3个回答  2017-05-23
哈啊 我是来看笑话的