求一首英文歌高潮部分大概有一句是这么说的:when you kiss me...it's no longer(唱这句的时候比较舒缓)

女声,应该是欧美歌手,有些伤感,高潮部分大概有一句是这么说的:when you kiss me...it's no longer(唱这句的时候比较舒缓)...,唱完when you然后唱kiss的时候音调突然变高,我把歌词输到网上搜到的歌曲都不是,榜单听了上百首也没找到,歌词有可能被我听错了,有一首歌直接叫《whern you kiss me》但不是,请明白我说的是哪首歌的朋友告诉我,十分感谢!!!

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-03
When minutes become hours
When days become years
And I don't know where you are
Color seems so dull without you
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesn't seem to matter
When you kissed me on that street,
I kissed you back
You held me in your arms,
I held you in mine
You picked me up
to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a bit more of you
and I'm drenched in your love
I'm no longer able to hold it back
Is it too late to ask for love?
Is it wrong to feel right?
When the world is winding down
Thoughts of you linger around
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesn’t seem to matter
anymore Ahaah...
When you kissed me on that street,
I kissed you back
You held me in your arms,
I held you in mine
You picked me up
to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry
for a little bit more of you and I
I'm drenched in your love
I’m no longer able to
hold it back
When you
kissed me on that street,
I kissed you back
You held me in your arms,
I held you in mine
You picked me up
to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry
for a little bit more of you and I
I'm drenched in your love
I'm no longer able to
hold it back本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-08-11
应该是曲婉婷的《Drenched》 你先听一下看看对不对