电影里的好听的英文歌。 插曲,主题曲之类。

一定要那种 好听的 多多益善。 当然请介绍详细点。好的加分。 谢谢。(除了R&B什么风格的都可以 一定要好听。)
最好是抒情的。 分已经提到100了,大家不要在掖着藏着了。 要好听的抒情英文歌啊 最好要电影什么的插曲 那样的英文歌都有背景故事。 谢谢各位了。

第1个回答  2012-09-25
My heart will go on---Celin Dion 《泰坦尼克号》
Forrest Gump Suite 《阿甘正传》
You'll be in my heart 《人猿泰山》
Barking at the moon 《闪电狗》
When you believe ---Mariah Carey
May it be---Enya 《指环王》
Maestro 《恋爱假期》片头曲
Shape of my heart 《这个杀手不太冷》
He's a pirate 《加勒比海盗》
Casablanca 《卡萨布兰卡》
Safe and sound---Taylor Swift《饥饿游戏》
Falling Slowly---Glen Hansard
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
The sound of silence
第2个回答  2012-09-09
1、cry on my shoulder
4、it's not goodbye
5、it’s ok
6、christmas in my heart
第3个回答  2012-09-29
冷山--The scarlet tide, When you say nothing at all
断臂山--A love that will never grow old
安娜与国王--How can I not love you
歌剧魅影--All I ask for you, The music of the night , Angel of music
给朱丽叶的信--Love story
红磨坊--Your song, One day I'll fly away, Come what may
妈妈咪呀--Dance queen,Honey honey, super trouper
狮子王--Can you feel the love tonight
美女与野兽--Beauty and the beast
小马王--I will always return
埃及王子--When you believe
摘星奇缘--Not matter what
歌舞青春--what I' ve been looking for, Because you live, Can I have this dance , You are the music in me, Start of something new, Just wanna be with you, We're all in this together, What time is it, I want it all, Bet on it, Everyday, All for one, A night to remember, Right here right now, Boys are back, Bop to the top,breaking free, Stick to the status quo
第4个回答  2012-09-29
the longest day [最长的一天] It Might Be You (From MR Tootsie) Somewhere_My_Love重逢有日 you raise me up动漫歌曲(罗密欧与茱丽叶片头曲英文版) The Summer Knows (42年的夏天)THE SOUND OF MUSIC The Shadow Of Your Smile你微笑的影子 Nancy Sinatra The Rose-(歌声泪痕)Somewhere In Time 似曾相识(时光倒流七十年)Singing In The Rain (雨中曲)I will follow him (修女也疯狂)As Time Goes By (北非谍影) A Summer Place
第5个回答  2012-09-30
1.nothing's gonna change my love for you
2.falling slowly
3. dreaming my dream--cranberries
4.dying in the sun--cranberries
5.yesterday yes a day
.《诺丁山》——when you say nothing at all
2.<平民天后》——what dreanms are made of
3.《绯闻女孩》里有很多比如rolling in the deep,apologise
4.《欢乐合唱团》里也有很多非常好听的歌,而且剧中的翻唱版比原唱还要好听哦,比如take a bow,payphone,what makes you beautiful,just a dream
5.《冰川时代》——what the dinosaur