
升旗仪式现在开始! 出国旗敬队礼! 礼壁 担任本周升旗的是 的 和 升国旗行注目礼 礼避 唱国歌 指挥王美移
下面请 班同学再国旗下讲话 大家欢迎 升旗仪式到此结束

第1个回答  2008-02-18

Good morning, dear teachers and students.

今天是2006年 月____日,星期_____。

Today is Monday, _______the ___, two thousand and six.

承担本次升旗任务的是_____年____班, 我是主持人________。

The Class Grade will take charge of the Flag-Hoisting today.

I’m ________and I am happy to be the MC (Master of the Ceremony).

今天的升旗手是______ 。

Today, our Standard-bearers are___________________.

护旗手是____ 。

Our Flag-escorts are_________________________________.


Now the Flag-Hoisting Ceremony begins!


1. Attention, please! Escorts march! (Right turn)


2. Hoist the flag! All sing the national Anthem. (Salute!)

(礼毕,向左转) (Hands down, left turn.)

第三项:呼校训: (跟我呼)诚信探究,健康第一;志存高远,脚踏实地!

Let’s proclaim our school slogan.

第四项:国旗下讲话:(请_________ 上台来,大家掌声欢迎。)

4. Now will make a speech under the flag.

Please give a big welcome. 谢谢!Thank you.


5. Now will give us a report. Miss Xiao will award the floating flags. Please give a big welcome. 谢谢!Thank you very much!


The Flag-Hoisting Ceremony is ended, thank you! (Please proceed to your classrooms orderly.)

我是外语校的 这是我们的稿子给你吧
第2个回答  2008-02-23
let's start flag-raising ceremony
all stand to attention
carrt the national flag,salute,please
this week ___and___from Class__Grade___will raise the national flag
raise the national flag
piay the national anthem
saluti with eyes
eyes front
sing the national song
the conductor:wang meiyi
now the students from class___will speak under the natilnal flag,please
applaud please
that's all for the flag-raising ceremony本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-02-18
Flag-raising ceremony will now begin!King Team, a flag ceremony!At the wall This is the flag-raising The and Flag-raising ceremony with eyes to avoid singing the national anthem at the US command-shift
Please classes welcome all students to Guoqixiajianghua This is the end of the ceremony
IS 5(4)

第4个回答  2008-02-18
Flag-raising ceremony will now begin!King Team, a flag ceremony!At the wall This is the flag-raising The and Flag-raising ceremony with eyes to avoid singing the national anthem at the US command-shift
Please classes welcome all students to Guoqixiajianghua This is the end of the ceremony
IS 5(4)