
Color,Black and white and a full range of other sizes and services will be available to the Exhibitor on special request.怎么翻译哦。要人工的哦~~~谢谢啦

第1个回答  2008-02-21
1 他被誉为国家最出色的歌唱家 He was recongized as the most outstanding singer in the country.
2 他被认为是世界上最惹人喜欢的演员 He was thought as the most belove actor.
3 她和丈夫一起获得了诺贝尔物理奖 She and her husband won the Nobel Prize in physics.
4 借鉴各种想法 to draw experience from various view
5 形成自己的风格 forming a style of my own.
6 使某人成为非常重要的人物 cause someone to become an important figure.
7 建立一座新型的游乐场 to build a new amusement park
8 活在人们心目中 living within people's heart
9 love peace 热爱和平
10 make rapid progress 进度快捷
第2个回答  2008-02-21
第3个回答  2008-02-21
第4个回答  2008-02-21
不会翻译?上金山在线,用那里的在线翻译 网址自己找
第5个回答  2008-02-21
彩色,黑白和全系列的其他大小和服务将提供给参展商就特别要求 就着意思