

第1个回答  2017-08-14
第一段写 表明写作意图。
第二段写 主要陈述一些建议和忠告。
第三段写 对提出的建议进行总结,要注意有礼貌。
Dear Jack,
After I read your letter, I am sorry to konw that you are in trouble with your scores of examination. I will give you some suggestions which I think may be helpful to you.
Firstly,preview your subject knowledge before the lessons beginning. it will help you know what are the points and difficulties in this class.Secondly, linsten to the teacher carefully on class.Not only pay attention to what the teacher says carefully ,but also make notes in your notebook.After class make sure finish your homework on your own.What's more, take an interest in the process of
learning and going to a lecture, for example, they
will automatically study the subject matter.
In a word, we should pay close attention to the ways of study.Practice makes perfect.I hope these advices will help you.
第2个回答  2012-07-09
Dear Jack:
You have metioned that you feel anxious about your exam result.I am very sorry for that.However,you are supposed to cheer up!
First,nobody is perfect.There are many students whose marks are bad,but some students feel that it is nothing and never give up.As a saying goes:success is fail more a time that fail.
Socend,anxious can not sovel any problem.If you want to make study better,the only thing you should do is taking action and making difference.
Third,you are supposed to find what you are wrong and do not make a same mis take next time.If so,you will make good marks gradually and be master in study.
I hope that you can feel happy again!
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第3个回答  2012-07-09
Dear Jack,
Don't worry.I think you will do better next exam.
First of all, you should find out your mistakes and try not to make such mistakes.Then you have to study harder than before.Listen to the teachers and ask your questions.
Remember the harder you study ,the better grades you will get!