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5.2. Normative commitment
Top executives as individuals may also espouse social values that are normative in nature (i.e., doing the right thing). Ely and Thomas (2001) referred to this hypothesis as the “discrimination-and-fairness” perspective, where managing diversity is a mechanism for ensuring equal opportunity, fair treatment, and an end to discrimination with no instrumental link between diversity and firm performance. Following Rokeach (1973), an individual's social values may include such qualities as “freedom,” “equality,” and “world peace.” These values link the individual to society and indicate the importance of and concern for the interaction the individual has with others (Hood, 2003).These values are also, theoretically, closely related to civil rights or discrimination against persons of a different race or ethnic background. For example, Rokeach (1973) found “equality” to be related to joining a civil-rights organization, participating in a civil-rights demonstration, and making eye contact with persons of another race. Given that a firm is a reflection of its CEO (Hambrick & Mason, 1984), it follows that firms led by CEOs with strong social values are more likely to be committed to social issues such as diversity. As an example, Agle, Mitchell, and Sonnenfeld(1999) found CEOs who espoused social values also had more concern for others (“other-regarding”).

第1个回答  2012-04-02
高管们个人也可能拥护是规范性质的社会价值 (即,做正确的事情)。伊利和托马斯 (2001 年) 提到这种假设作为"歧视和公平"角度来看,其中管理多样性是一种机制确保机会均等、 公平的待遇和结束歧视与多样性和公司绩效之间没有器乐的链接。Rokeach (1973 年) 后, 一个个人的社会价值可能包括这种所谓的"自由"的素质"平等"和"世界和平"。这些值链接到社会的个人和指示的重要性,并关注个人的互动已与其他人 (罩,2003年)。这些值还,理论上,密切相关公民权利或不同种族或民族背景的人士的歧视。例如,Rokeach (1973) 找到"平等"与有关,加入公民权利组织、 参与公民权利的演示中,并与其他种族的人进行眼神接触。一家公司是反映了其首席执行官 (Hambrick & 梅森,1984年),因此公司领导的 ceo 们具有强烈的社会价值是更有可能致力于多样性等社会问题。作为示例,敏捷,米切尔和 Sonnenfeld(1999) 发现 Ceo 人信奉社会价值观也有更多关心别人 ("其他-关于")。
第2个回答  2012-04-04

Normative commitment

Top executives as individuals may also espouse social values that are normative in nature (i.e., doing the right thing).

Ely and Thomas (2001) referred to this hypothesis as the “discrimination-and-fairness” perspective, where managing diversity is a mechanism for ensuring equal opportunity, fair treatment, and an end to discrimination with no instrumental link between diversity and firm performance.

Following Rokeach (1973), an individual's social values may include such qualities as “freedom,” “equality,” and “world peace.

” These values link the individual to society and indicate the importance of and concern for the interaction the individual has with others (Hood, 2003).

These values are also, theoretically, closely related to civil rights or discrimination against persons of a different race or ethnic background.

For example, Rokeach (1973) found “equality” to be related to joining a civil-rights organization, participating in a civil-rights demonstration, and making eye contact with persons of another race.

Given that a firm is a reflection of its CEO (Hambrick & Mason, 1984), it follows that firms led by CEOs with strong social values are more likely to be committed to social issues such as diversity.

As an example, Agle, Mitchell, and Sonnenfeld(1999) found CEOs who espoused social values also had more concern for others (“other-regarding”).