一片关于交通工具的英语作文70字左右 在线等

现如今人们的出行方式很多,交通工具也是多种多样,如:公交车,自行车,小汽车,火车,飞机等。请写一篇70词左右的短文,选用三种出行方式,分别从话费,速度和舒适度等方面比较 用到的词:slow fast tiring cheap expensive fuel comfortable make....healthy be bad for 在线等 满意还有10分

第1个回答  2012-05-20
he Advangtages and Disadvantages of Different Means of Transport
Nowadays students can go to school by bus,by bike,on foot or in their parents'cars.
Taking a bus is the a good way,it is fast and cost less.But it needs fuel or gases,and it produces gases that pollute the air.
A car is a fast way too,but it costs too much,we have to spend a lot money to buy one.Besides,too many cars on the road would cause traffic jams,and it also produces bad gases.
Riding to school is good way.It needs no fuel or gases,so it causes no pollution.But it is slower than a bus or a car.
Going on foot is the cheapest way of the all.It needs nothing but our own feet.It is the most environmentally friendly way.But it also the slowest way.
第2个回答  2012-05-16
第3个回答  2012-05-06
With the development of the technology ,there are plenty of ways of transportation all around the world, for instance: cars, bikes, flights and本回答被网友采纳