

8P:因为,我爱她 . . .

第1个回答  2012-05-11
1. On the one-hundred thirtieth dawn after I left her, I drove to Lingyun Mountain to watch sun-rise, but this time I was alone.
2. I tasted again the thing that is called love. Well, who knew.
3. Crowds of people came and passed by.
4. Our meeting was just like this, occasional but plain.
5. Love sometimes was like this, did it need any reason? I didn't think so.
6. In the one year and three months we stayed together, I had countlessly tried to kiss her.
7. Once thinking of the possible consequece of kiss, I gave up.
8. Just because I loved her.
9. However, the happy times were always short,
10. such as the childhood, the youth, and the time we had been together.
第2个回答  2012-05-11
1. I drove to Mount Lingyun to see the sunrise in the 130th daybreak after I left her, alone this time.
2. I have tried again since then,however, love is so difficult to pin down.
3. People swarm into and out of society.
4. This is how we meet with each other——accidentally and ordinarily.
5. Love is what it is and you don't need to ask reasons.
6. During the one and a quarter years we were together, I have tried so many times to kiss her.
7. Once I imagined the consequence of our kiss, I gave up.
8. It's because I love her.
9. But happy is always fleeting.
10. Just like our childhood, youthhood and those years when we were together.
第3个回答  2012-05-11
i drove to mount lingyun to see the sunrise on the 130th day since l left her. but this time i was alone.
once i also have tried very hard. However,love is something you can't reason with.
crowds of people pass by everyday.
it was ocaasional but ordinary that we met.
sometimes love emerges just that way. does love need any reasons to explain? my answer is no.
we had been together for 1year and 3 months during which i had tried kissing her a thousand times.
Each time thinking of the consequence after kissing, i quitted.
the reason is that i love her.
happy time is always fleeting.
just like childhood, youth, and the time that we have been together.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2012-05-11
楼主见谅,爪机党码字难啊,还望采纳 一、Leaving her for 130 dawns,i went to lingyun mountain to see sunrise,but this time i am alone.二、I have tried,this is love,who really knows?三、 People are Tieds,come and go。四、our meeting just like this,Accidentally and normally.