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内容要点:1.是世界上唯一会飞的哺乳动物,不属于鸟类。2.体型小,有灰色皮毛 3.视力差,通过耳朵接收声波来寻找目标。4.白天躲在黑暗的地方,夜晚出来寻找食物。5.喜欢吃蚊子,对人类有好处,我们必须保护他们。

第1个回答  2012-11-11
Bats are the world's only flying mammals. They do not belong to birds. They are small in size, with gray fur. They have poor eyesight during the day and like to hide in dark places. In the night they are out in search of food. They like to eat mosquitoes.They are good to the human beings. We must protect them.本回答被提问者采纳