
Mike 要求我们修改之前送出(send)的关于净化间(Clean room)改造(re-layout)的PPT ,增加以下内容:
l 增加辉创(HuiChuang)公司的净化间控制标准。
l 增加工作服(ESD cloth)尘粒(particle)的吸附(stick)情况,必须有数据支持尘粒不容易吸附在工作服上。
l 5车间内的人员控制必须小于20个人写入PPT.

第1个回答  2012-11-04
Mike wanted to see the PPT of the Clean Room's
re-layout before our modification done, and to add the following contents:
1. HuiChuang Ltd's Clean room control standards.
2. Particle stick condition on ESD cloth, and to have data to verify that the ESD cloth is good
to prevent from particle stick.
3. Total in less than 20 workers in 5 workrooms need to write in PPT.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-11-04
Mike demands that we should modify the PPT about the re-layout of Clean room which was sent him before. Following contents must be added:
1. The controlling standard of HuiChuang Company about Clean room;
2. The Performance of particle sticking about ESD cloth. The ESD cloth must be proved by true data that it is difficult to be stuck by particle.
3 Workers must be less than 20 in 5th workroom.
第3个回答  2012-11-04
Mike asked us to sent PPTabout the clean-room re-layout before modification and add the following contents:
1.the clean-room controlling standard of Huichuang Company will be added.
2. The ESD cloth sticking situation for the particles will be added with supporting datas for no-sticking.
3. The situation that staff must be less than 20 in Workshop 5 must be edited into PPT.
第4个回答  2012-11-04
Mike asks us to modified the content Clean room in PPT which we sent already and add content as follow:
1st: add HuiChuang Ltd's Clean room control standard.

2nd,add ESD cloth particle stick condtion,need to have data to verify the ESD cloth isn't good at absord particle.

3rd,workers in 5th workroom need to have less than 20 persons to write PPT.本回答被提问者采纳