求批改考研英语小作文 Recruit announcement 招募启事

I am standing for the Postgraduates’ Association. In the near future, we are finding some volunteers for an international conference on globalization. However, we have some requirements. Having high educational qualifications, at least undergraduate degrees, is the primary one. Furthermore, this job needs the ones who can speak English well because of the internationalism of the conference. In addition, the person who is capable of dealing with urgent things is the one we are seeking for this position. Besides, it is welcoming if you have volunteering experience.
If you want to know more about the job, you can contact with(D) us by emails or telephone.

第1个回答  2012-04-21
However, we have some requirements. Having high educational qualifications, at least undergraduate degrees, is the primary one.应去掉 is the primary one 别的写得不错