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我在国外读书 我们老师要我们写一篇文章 "what is the point of volunteering?"







第1个回答  2012-06-08
Why to want to volunteer? Very simple, because want to help others.When the volunteers not only to help others, the biggest beneficiaries is yourself.Do you think when you give, you get is more and more experience, and a life touched

When you choose to do any one thing. It's from the heart. Not for any one person to do. And be happy no pressure. If you feel when volunteers not happy or because human pressure on joining the team. Then you must go back to your life. Don't be so hard. Anyone can go around you. Just when you think you have the ability to serve the people. Be happy. Everyone can choose to do or not. Please yourself on your decision making responsibility

Someone once asked me, "what are the benefits of doing?

Students are encouraged to volunteer benefits, it started we kind of instinct.

In the school participated in a service, contact with vulnerable groups of people,

Social comparison will continue to do, because will understand relevant bosom.

But if the school was not exposed, the society later,

The society will be on the dog-eat-dog competition impact, soft heart become hard,

The general assembly is not to do it.

We should take advantage of innocent children, enthusiastic, not sophisticated,

Let them contact with different people,

Experience a different life, different feelings of frustration

No contact, will not have moved.

As a volunteer student said: "when I was in college,

AIDS is far away from me, seldom think of it,

But when a mother cradling the dying AIDS baby

In our medical team for help, I felt the first AIDS horror.

A newly born child can not climb, will have no tomorrow!"

This is a profound experience, witnessed the loss of life,

On the meaning of life education, not textbooks can teach.

So, every student is said as a volunteer, he is not the same,

Not only is mature, also learn to be grateful.

The world has so many strange diseases, the road was such a rampage

Car, and we can safely live now, isn't this Thanksgiving?

A lot of people referred to the volunteers, think of sweeping, cleaning beaches.

In fact, the most ideal volunteers should play to their expertise to help others.

Because it would be win-win, to others and benefit.

A successful volunteer group, covering the life education, moral education,

Gender education, because only the contact, will have the respect and tolerance.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-06-12
Why to want to volunteer? Very simple, because want to help others. When the volunteers not only to help others, the biggest beneficiaries is yourself. Do you think when you give, you get is more and more experience, and a life touched
When you choose to do any one thing . It's from the heart. Not for any one person to do . And be happy no pressure . If you feel when volunteers not happy or because human pressure on joining the team. Then you must go back to your life. Don't be so hard. Anyone can go around you. Just when you think you have the ability to serve the people. Be happy. Everyone can choose to do or not. Please yourself on your decision making responsibility
Someone once asked me," what are the benefits of doing?
Students are encouraged to volunteer benefits, it started we kind of instinct.
In the school participated in a service, contact with vulnerable groups of people,
Social comparison will continue to do, because will understand relevant bosom.
But if the school was not exposed, the society later,
The society will be on the dog-eat-dog competition impact, soft heart become hard,
The general assembly is not to do it.
We should take advantage of innocent children, enthusiastic, not sophisticated,
Let them contact with different people,
Experience a different life, different feelings of frustration
No contact, will not have moved.
As a volunteer student said:" when I was in college,
AIDS is far away from me, seldom think of it,
But when a mother cradling the dying AIDS baby
In our medical team for help, I felt the first AIDS horror.
A newly born child can not climb, will have no tomorrow! "
This is a profound experience, witnessed the loss of life,
On the meaning of life education, not textbooks can teach.
So, every student is said as a volunteer, he is not the same,
Not only is mature, also learn to be grateful.
The world has so many strange diseases, the road was such a rampage
Car, and we can safely live now, isn't this Thanksgiving?
A lot of people referred to the volunteers, think of sweeping, cleaning beaches.
In fact, the most ideal volunteers should play to their expertise to help others.
Because it would be win-win, to others and benefit.
A successful volunteer group, covering the life education, moral education,
Gender education, because only the contact, will have the respect and tolerance.
第3个回答  2012-06-08
Why to be a volunteer? It’s a simple question,for helping others. Volunteering not only do a favour to others but also can gain something better to myself.By volunteering,what you can get are the valuable experiences and the moving memories to the whole life.
第4个回答  2012-06-08