
(quietly, nervously)
hi there this is Kevin and um I’m looking for that special someone (1.0) I’m a perfect kind of age five foot five inches tall (.) loving intelligent faithful caring honest good sense of humour and a fun person to be with (1.0) I like living life to the max and (.) I want a funloving person who enjoys (.) cinema pubbing clubbing music sport (.) keep fit going out dining in and out likes to travel (.) I would (.) ideally like to meet an attractive white female with similar interests (.) please leave your name and number and I’ll definitely get back toyou (.) no time wasters please bye(Teletext One-2-One, March 1998) In terms of the personal attributes and characteristics it lists, this text projects the commodified self very much as an array of positive qualities. Following the possible caveat of a height disadvantage to women who would seek a taller partner, the advertiser self-assigns seven highly positive personality aspects covering his commitment to the relationship and his social skills (cf. Pawlowski & Dunbar, 1999, p. 55).). What might the advertiser mean, here, by a perfect kind of age? First, and rather directly, he means neither too young nor too old. In order to unpack the semantic force of “too” in both “too
young” and “too old,” though, we have to reconstruct specific implicatures (Grice, 1975).

第1个回答  2012-06-13
文本(口语)(悄悄地,紧张地)你好,这是凯文和我在找那个特别的人(1)我是一个完美的年龄五英尺五英寸(。)爱智能真诚的关心诚实幽默和有趣的人和(1)我喜欢生活充实的生活,我想(。)一个有趣的人谁喜欢(。)看电影去酒吧夜总会的音乐运动(。)保持健康外出就餐,喜欢旅游(。)我会(。)希望见到一个有吸引力的白人女性有类似的利益(。)请留下你的姓名和电话号码,我一定会回来的你(。)请不要浪费时间再见(图文one-2-one,3月1998)在个人属性和特征列表,这个文本项目商品化自我非常多的一系列积极的品质。以下可能的解释的一个高度不利的妇女会寻求一种更高的合作伙伴,广告商自行分配七个高度积极的个性方面包括他的承诺的关系,他的社交能力(参见沃夫和邓巴,1999,p . 55)。)。什么可能广告客户的意思,在这里,一种完美的年龄?第一,而直接,他既不太年轻也不太老。为了解开语义力“太”在“太年轻的”和“太老了,“虽然,我们必须重建的具体含义(格莱斯,1975)