情人节的故事翻译成英文 已有英文不比翻译

Valentine's Day, a boy to a girl of dating, and the girls sing his refusal. 但是女孩发现那是个误会,所以决定和他在一起补过一个情人节在下一天.他们在一起吃饭,看电影......玩得很开心.

第1个回答  2008-03-09
Do you know Valentine's Day?Valentine's Day namely February 14 of every year is one of the western traditional festivals.At that day, the loverses play together.The men and women also send chocolate, greeting card and flower with each other in this day, expressing love or amity in order to.Valentine's Day, a boy to a girl of dating, and the girls sing his refusal. But the girl discover that to is a misconstruction, so decide to make up for a mistakes with him together a Valentine's Day in following day.They have a meal together, going to the movie......Have lots of fun.
So uncertain lovers stanza that genius is the festival of the loverses.As long as they have a love, every day is Valentine's Day.
第2个回答  2008-03-18
Do you know Valentine's Day?Valentine's Day February, 14th namely of every year.It is one of the western traditional festivals.At that day, valentines play together.The men and women also present chocolate, greeting card and flower to each other on this day to express love or amity.
Valentine's Day, a boy to a girl of dating, and the girls sing his refusal. But the girl finds that it is a misconstruction, so she decides to spend a Valentine's Day with him to make up a mistakes on the following day.They have meals together, go to the movies......They have lots of fun.
So not only Valentine's Day can be valentines' festival. As long as there is love between them, every day is a Valentine's Day
第3个回答  2008-03-13
Do you know Valentine's Day?Valentine's Day February, 14th namely of every year.It is one of the western traditional festivals.At that day, valentines play together.The men and women also present chocolate, greeting card and flower to each other on this day to express love or amity.
Valentine's Day, a boy to a girl of dating, and the girls sing his refusal. But the girl finds that it is a misconstruction, so she decides to spend a Valentine's Day with him to make up a mistakes on the following day.They have meals together, go to the movies......They have lots of fun.
So not only Valentine's Day can be Valentines' Day. As long as there is love between them, every day is a Valentine's Day。
第4个回答  2008-03-21
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