上午--广济桥 中国四大古桥之一。经过几年的修建,于2007.9.20重新对游客开放 广济门城楼 坐落在广济桥西端,是潮州城主要的标志之一,距今已有600多年的历史。 下午--陶瓷城 不仅可以欣赏各式各样的美丽的陶瓷,还可以低价选购自己喜欢的陶瓷。 就这信息告诉他我为他安排的一天的旅程。就麻烦高手了,好的话加分!
Dear Mike I'm glad to hear you are coming soon, there is a your live planning-day tirp for you in my hometown Chaozhou. I decided in the moring at nine o'clock you will visit Guanji Bridge which is one of the four major ancient bridges in China and through several years...