英语作文 My room!要在网上没发过的!字数不用太多!80、90多就够了!谢了~~~~ 急!!!!


第1个回答  2012-10-20
my room is not big.there is a book case in my bedroom.near the book case ,it is my bed.l like it very much.l like reading books,so there is also a desk in my bedroom .l love my bedroom本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-20
I have a new room.. There is bookcase, chair, desk, table, bed in my small room. My hat is on the chair. My baseball is under the bed. My school ID card is on the table. My CDs are in my backpack. Oh, there is a picture of mine on the wall.
My room is very nice. I like it very much. Do you have your own room? Tell me!