
求一篇英文作文 我的理想生活 My ideal life 150字左右,好的话加分,谢谢!

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
My Ideal Life

I have ever dreamed of my ideal life many times, in the night or day time. They are so perfect that I even doubt if they could come true one day.

In the ideal life, I am going to have a nice job, passionate and challenging. I would meet customers and guests coming from all over the world, and negociating on our business solution for them. People admire me, even envy me, because I am girl and better than themselves, with successful career, man seldom have chance to catch up with me, say nothing of looking down upon me.

Also, as a result of my hard working, I receive an unbelievable payoff, which allows me to live freely and comfortably. Serveral boxes of formal suits and gorgeous shoes make me appear much more successful and professional. I love this feeling.

Moreover, I am gonna spend plenty of time with my parents and my family, they are part of my life too. When I feel lonly at night, or need a nest to lick my wounds, there they are.

This is my Ideal life.

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