
love's philosophy

The fountains mingle with the riverv,

And the rivers with the ocean,

The winds of heaven mis forever,

With a sweet emotion ;

Nothing in the world is single,

All things by a law divine,

In one another's being mingle,

Why not I with thine?

See!the mountains kiss high heaven,

And the waves clasp one another,

No sister flower would be forgiven,

If it disdained its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea;

What are all these kissings worth ,

If you kiss not me?


第1个回答  2007-05-23
爱的哲学的喷泉混入riverv ,河流与海洋, 风的天堂永远的MIS ,以甜美的情感; 世界上任何东西是单一的, 一切事情由一个神圣的法律,在彼此正在交融,为何不与我thine ? 看! 山里吻冲天,海浪扣彼此没有姐妹花可以原谅, 如果鄙弃其兄弟; 并扣太阳光,地球上的moonbeams kiss大海; 什么是所有这些kissings价值,如果你吻的不是我?