

第1个回答  2011-05-18
Campus network has become the campus learning, work and essential life supporting environment. Various types of campus teaching, research and learning activities played a significant role in supporting and promoting. Wireless LAN is the rapidly growing popularity in recent years, the new campus network connections, compared with the wired LAN, with considerable advantages. However, the physical characteristics of the wireless LAN itself also led to the existence of security and reliability of its many weaknesses. Campus wireless LAN environment the special nature of the campus environment more prone to security issues. Of campus network security technology of wireless local area network, campus network construction has become an important research contents.
This paper studies the current wired and wireless LAN security technology, based on the analysis of these principles of security technology and explore its loopholes and shortcomings. Campus environment with the actual operation of the network security features, screening and analysis associated with the wireless LAN network security incidents. Explore the principles of its occurrence, and the extent of the damage. Research related hardware and software security devices and mechanisms for wireless LAN deployment and reliable implementation of a campus wireless LAN security, security technology applications. Program seeks to make full use of campus facilities under the premise of the existing network, the maximum possible performance of wireless LAN security. Timely response to both types of network security events, and use the appropriate security policy for processing. Thus in the maintenance of the wireless local area network, reliable, and convenient network characteristics at the same time, to meet the growing campus wireless LAN network security needs.
In this study, the wireless LAN security technology applications, the papers of the campus in a specific environment, with the typical characteristics of the wireless LAN network security using the region test. The results show that the program significantly improved the campus network environment, wireless LAN security. Able to complex implementation of the wireless LAN environment, network security and stability and prevent common attacks against wireless LANs. While other types of wireless LAN defense's ability to attack a great improvement. And wireless LAN security in the event of events, did significantly reduce the scope and influence of network failures, shorten the network restoration time. Program does not affect the campus of the use of existing network applications to achieve the security and convenience of unity.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-05-24
Campus network has become an essential support environment of campus study、 work and life , which plays a very significant auxiliary and stimulative effect to all kinds of campus teaching, scientific research and learning activities . Wireless LAN is a new network connection
spreading rapidly on the campus in recent years. Compared with wired LAN, the Wireless LAN has quite a lot of advantages. But it also exists many weaknesses of safety reliability caused by its own physical characteristic. Because of the wireless local area network 's particularity of campus , it is more prone to have safety problems. The wireless LAN security technology within campus network environment has become an important research content of the campus network construction.
Based on the study of the current wired and wireless LAN security technology, this paper analyzes the principle of analysis of these safety technology and discusses their existing loopholes and defects;screens and analyszes the security events of wireless LAN linked to the network Combining with actual campus environment of network safety operation characteristic;explores their principles、damage mechanism influence
sphere;researches the relevant hardware and software of wireless LAN safety equipment and mechanism;deploys and implements a reliable security technology application solution plan of safety campus wireless LAN, which trying to get the greatest possibility of realization of the safety performance of the wireless local area network under the premise of useing existing campus network equipment,and is able to respond to all kinds of network security incident, and use the corresponding security strategy for processing. Thus it will maintain the reliability and convenience of the wireless LAN , at the same time, it can meet the increasing needs of safe wireless LAN .
In this paper's application plan of safety campus wireless LAN , the author has implemented a network security test in a specific campus environment----the typical wireless LAN used area . Test results show that the scheme can obviously increase the security of wireless LAN in campus network ;can realize the network security and stable operation in
various complex wireless local area network environment;can sttop common attack behavior
for wireless LAN ;can greatly increase the ability to defense other kinds of wireless LAN aggression;can dramatically reduce network fault range and influence and shorten network recovery time when wireless LAN security accidents occur. The scheme realized the unity of the network's safety and convenience while has no affect to the campus' existing networks application system
第3个回答  2011-05-17
Campus network has become an essential support environment of campus study、 work and life , which plays a very significant auxiliary and stimulative effect to all kinds of campus teaching, scientific research and learning activities . Wireless LAN is a new network connection
spreading rapidly on the campus in recent years. Compared with wired LAN, the Wireless LAN has quite a lot of advantages. But it also exists many weaknesses of safety reliability caused by its own physical characteristic. Because of the wireless local area network 's particularity of campus , it is more prone to have safety problems. The wireless LAN security technology within campus network environment has become an important research content of the campus network construction.
Based on the study of the current wired and wireless LAN security technology, this paper analyzes the principle of analysis of these safety technology and discusses their existing loopholes and defects;screens and analyszes the security events of wireless LAN linked to the network Combining with actual campus environment of network safety operation characteristic;explores their principles、damage mechanism influence
sphere;researches the relevant hardware and software of wireless LAN safety equipment and mechanism;deploys and implements a reliable security technology application solution plan of safety campus wireless LAN, which trying to get the greatest possibility of realization of the safety performance of the wireless local area network under the premise of useing existing campus network equipment,and is able to respond to all kinds of network security incident, and use the corresponding security strategy for processing. Thus it will maintain the reliability and convenience of the wireless LAN , at the same time, it can meet the increasing needs of safe wireless LAN .
In this paper's application plan of safety campus wireless LAN , the author has implemented a network security test in a specific campus environment----the typical wireless LAN used area . Test results show that the scheme can obviously increase the security of wireless LAN in campus network ;can realize the network security and stable operation in
various complex wireless local area network environment;can sttop common attack behavior
for wireless LAN ;can greatly increase the ability to defense other kinds of wireless LAN aggression;can dramatically reduce network fault range and influence and shorten network recovery time when wireless LAN security accidents occur. The scheme realized the unity of the network's safety and convenience while has no affect to the campus' existing networks application system .
第4个回答  2019-10-13
第5个回答  2011-05-19

