大哥大姐帮我翻译一下 不要机器翻译直接复制的啊

最好麻烦哪位大哥大姐帮忙人工翻译一下,如果是机器翻译的请麻烦改一下 改成正确的语序 谢谢各位


Kindergarten education is an important phase in early-childhood development of good habits and moral character. In recent years, the nation has initiated in-depth overhauls of the curriculum. And education resources, especially rural resource development and utilization has gradually gained more attention. However, many problems still exist; teaching staff's lack of understanding of rural resources, low developmental and utilization capabilities, lack of confidence in initiating related activities, inadequate support from the education department, and other issues.

Yet rural education development and utilization has important real-world ramifications. Not only does it improve professional qualities and ability in teaching staff, it can also make full use of various resources, helping young children to develop observation and exploration skills, gain perception skills (或experiences), and giving kids more freedom to develop, promoting holistic and balanced growth.

More importantly, rural education resource development helps children develop better understanding of local culture and resources, promoting love for their homeland, laying an important foundation for their future character and moral development.

Therefore, solving conflicts between the importance of rural education development and real-world issues, and raising the quality of rural kindergarten-age education has become an immediate and important problem.

This investigation analyzes rural kindergarten education development and current utilization as well as problems that exist with further development of rural education, in order to explore strategies for bettering these processes.

Part one, the introduction, deals with the reason for choosing this issue and how the investigation is structured.
Part two is an in-depth analysis of rural education resources, defining related concepts, and summarizing the location, cultural relevance, and value of rural kindergarten education development.
Part three concentrates on the achievements and inadequacies in rural education development through close examination and analysis of materials related to the current state of rural kindergarten education development, and suggests counter-measures where policies have been inadequate.追问




第1个回答  2015-02-14



