-- 英语电影经典对白 1.《乱世佳人》Tomorrow is another day.2.《卡萨布兰卡》Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine 3.《我不是天使》It’s not the men in your life that counts,it’s the life in your men.4.《地狱的天使》Would you ...
探索电影中的经典对白,领略其深意与魅力。肖申克的救赎 1. 有些鸟儿注定无法被囚禁,因为它们的羽翼闪耀着自由的光芒。2. 那是无法触及、无法触碰的内在之物,属于你。3. 希望是美好的,也许是最美好的,而美好的事物永远不会消逝。阿甘正传 4. 生命如同一盒巧克力,你永远无法预料将会得到哪一颗。
20部经典英文电影对白 1.《乱世佳人》Tomorrow is another day.2.《泰坦尼克号》Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that ...
《泰坦尼克号》《titanic》I'm the king of the world! 我才是这个世界的主宰!2. 《泰坦尼克号》经典对白改写:"I'm the king of the world!"我是世界之王!--- 《教父》《the godfather》I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我要给他一个无法拒绝的提议。3. 《教父》...
一、《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't...
王家卫的电影真的很棒,总是淡淡的带点乱,无头绪的烦恼,无缘由的乱 痛慢慢凝积,已是结束…… 《一本漫画闯天涯》星驰大唱:“你老爸怀孕了~~~恭喜恭喜!” 《龙凤茶楼》星驰:“哇!你火气那么大,要不要我今晚给你下下火啊?” 《咖喱辣椒》(1) 柏安妮:你们警方多久来扫荡一次呢?星驰:哦~~基本上每个月都...
12.《when Harry Met Sally》:《when Harry Met Sally》很经典的一部爱情戏剧:电影最后Harry在除夕夜向Sally的表白 And it's not because I'm lonely and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life...
1、我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱。——《喜剧之王》2、好多东西都没了,就象是遗失在风中的烟花,让我来不及说声再见就已经消逝不见。——《男人四十》3、不行!说的是一辈子,少一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰都不算一辈子…… ——《霸王别姬》4、当我站在瀑布前,觉得非常的难过,我总...
1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)[被屏蔽广告]2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)3. Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)4. Jenny and I was like ...
经典电影中的那些英文对白 1、Titanic《泰坦尼克》Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up...no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. Rose: "I promise."Jac...