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这篇文章张主要讲Uganda的森林面积每年以令人恐慌的速度减少,其根本原因是Uganda的人口压力过大及生活贫困,除此以外还因为大部分的木材被用做木柴煮食物吃;建房子,farming and grazing their livestock .

第1个回答  2010-12-26
In this article, a fact is demonstrated that it is mainly due to the overpopulation in this area and poverty that the forest area of Uganda is shrinking with an astounding speed . besides, most of woodstuff being consumed for cooking ,constructng houses or farming and grazing their livestock also contribute a lot to this hazard.
说明: 数量的减少用decrease,而面积的减少若再用decrease未免就不地道了吧,shrink 表达"萎缩" 主要用来指"面积"的减少 .另一个小问题,"木材"不等于"木头"
第2个回答  2010-12-26
This article reports the astounding decrease of forrest in Uganda due to overpopulation and poverty, and most of the wood are used for cooking, building, farming and grazing livestock.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-12-26
This article mainly talks about that the forest area of Uganda decreases at a fearsome rate every year. The foundemental cause is the pressure from human population and poverty. Also, a huge amount of wood was used for cooking, construsting buildings, farming and trees were grazed by livestock.


第4个回答  2010-12-26