

第1个回答  2010-12-20
1: this shop price too high

2: the weather is very good, it is

3: it's foolish of you to do so

4: the seat to the touch soft and comfortable

5: wait until the rain stops me to walk again

6: in class, we should pay attention to what the teacher

7: I grew up to a doctor
第2个回答  2010-12-19
1: The store's price is too high
2: The weather is very good, is not it
3: you do are so silly
4: That the touch and soft and comfortable seats
5: in the rain with me longer follow
6: In class, we should listen to the teacher to focus
7: I wanted to be a doctor本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-12-19
the shop's price is too high
how good the weather is ,isn't it ?
it is so stupid of you to do so
the seat is both soft and comfortable
i won"t go until the it stops raining
we should concentrate on what the teacher is saying when in class
i want to be a doctor when i grow up
第4个回答  2010-12-19
1: this shop price too high
2: the weather is very good, it is
3: it's foolish of you to do so
4: the seat to the touch soft and comfortable
5: wait until the rain stops me to walk again
6: in class, we should pay attention to what the teacher
7: I grew up to a doctor