请以an unforgettable experience with my parents为题 写

请以an unforgettable experience with my parents为题 写一篇英语作文(父母:男:高爱国 女:陈云)不得直接百度复制粘贴 发现不给分

第1个回答  推荐于2017-05-23
My Childhood
My childhood has gone and can never come back.Yet I still cannot forget the happy clay figures when I was a little boy and was a prince in the family.
My family was not rich,but as there were only two of us in the family,my younger sister and I,we natually became our parents' treasures.I will never forget the evenings when,after supper,we sat down together and begged our parents to tell us stories.How I liked those tales told by my mother.
I also remember the days when I fell sick and had to be confined to bed.My parents were then the most unhappy persons in the world.There would be no more fairy tales to be told and the whole family would lose its cheerfulness until I got追问

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