一首英文歌,高潮第一个词是假音 连续几句 然后后面有一段全假音的。男生唱的 副歌节奏大概是哒哒 哒

一首英文歌,高潮第一个词是假音 连续几句 然后后面有一段全假音的。男生唱的 副歌节奏大概是哒哒 哒哒哒哒 哒哒 哒哒哒哒 节奏挺轻快的 中间好像听见了什么wishes ⋯⋯so beautiful⋯⋯

第1个回答  2016-01-23
第2个回答  2015-10-30
Close Your Eyes - Rhodes

Maybe I maybe I I'm just as scared as you

It's alright stay by my side

On the edge on the edge of everything we learn

It's alright just don't look down

And I will hold on

I'll never let go
You're right beside me

So just close your eyes

I'll never let go
You're all that I need

So just close your eyes

When I look back

I look back on the times you tried to hide

Inside your delicate mind

In the end in the end I'm just the same as you

And it's alright just stay by my side

And I will hold on
I'll never let go
You're right beside me

So just close your eyes

I'll never let go
You're all that I need

So just close your eyes

I would die for you I would die for you

Because you're my all

I would die for you I would die for you

Because you're my all

So just close your eyes

So just close your eyes

So just close your eyes
I'll never let go
You're right beside me

So just close your eyes

I'll never let go
You're all that I need

So just close your eyes本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2020-10-16