英语演讲比赛演讲稿The colour of the world,3分钟左右(约300词),要求方

英语演讲比赛演讲稿The colour of the world,3分钟左右(约300词),要求方便记忆,生僻词少一些

第1个回答  2014-10-21
We live in a world of color. Everywhere you look there is a color of some sort. They affect our emotions and inspire memories.
Color affects how people view you, your products and your company. Color has a definite effect on sales both online and off. Large companies spend millions of dollars researching for the right colors and color combinations for their products. In fact, color psychology is a research field of it's own.
For a free copy of a more complete guide to the basics of color and how they can affect sales click here
The main components of a successful website are the right colors and graphics, an easy to navigate layout, quality products and services, and excellent copywriting.
You are free to use the color tools listed in the left hand column to find the perfect shades for your projects and special effects to make your site stand out from the crowd.
There is a wide variety of articles to help you in the Articles tab above. Choose your topic and enjoy a discovery experience written by people who have "been there" and are freely passing their knowledge on to you.追问

