

第1个回答  2011-02-09
As an important branch of the esp, business English has its great language features. This article from the business English as a practical English language tool Angle, analyzes its unique linguistic features, namely strong professional, too.yes formal regulations, in simple language, tight logic and need a certain cultural knowledge support etc. And according to its characteristic, from vocabulary, sentence, cultural factors analysis of business English translation skills and strategies.
第2个回答  2011-02-07
As an important branch of the esp, business English has its great language features. This article from the business English as a practical English language tool Angle, analyzes its unique linguistic features, namely strong professional, too.yes formal regulations, in simple language, tight logic and need a certain cultural knowledge support etc. And according to its characteristic, from vocabulary, sentence, cultural factors analysis of business English translation skills and strategies.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-02-07
For special use of english important branch, business english is the language features. from the business english as a practical point of view, the english language tools analyze its unique language feature is very professional manner, the formal criteria, language and words, logical and need the support of the characteristics of the cultural knowledge. and, according to its characteristics. from words, sentences and cultural factors such as analysis business english translation of the skills and strategies
第4个回答  2011-02-07
As an important branch of technical English, Business English has its conspicuous language features. From the aspect of a practical language tool, this article analyses those features,namely the specialization, the normative choice of words, the conciseness, the rigorous logic, and the requirement of some cultural knowledge. And according to those features, it analyses the translation skills and tactics of Business English in the aspects of vocabulary, sentence and cultural factors.