
2009.7 利用暑假时间担任上海龙昌国际有限公司的数据员,主要负责数据校对及处理工作
2009.3 参加大学生世博会志愿者面试活动,并获得担任世博会志愿者的资格
2009.2 利用寒假时间做家教
2008.10 加入校内若干个社团,并积极参加该社团组织的活动

第1个回答  2011-07-09
Social practice:

2009.7 in summer vacation time as Shanghai longchang international Co., LTD, mainly be responsible for the data member data proofreading and work
2009.7 利用暑假时间担任上海龙昌国际有限公司的数据员,主要负责数据校对及处理工作

2009.3 the world expo in college students volunteer activities, and access to interview for the qualification of volunteers. The world expo
2009.3 参加大学生世博会志愿者面试活动,并获得担任世博会志愿者的资格

2009.2 use the winter vacation time to do...
2009.2 利用寒假时间做家教

2008.10 join intramural several community, and actively participated in the activities of the youth club
2008.10 加入校内若干个社团,并积极参加该社团组织的活动
第2个回答  2011-07-09
Social Practice (Practical Work)

2009.7 As a data operator for Shanghai Longvchang International during summer vacation, responsible for Data processing and proofing.

2009.3 participated the colledge students volunteer interview for EXPO, passed and got the qualification of EXPO volunteer.

2009.2 Turing duruing winter vacation.

2008.10 joined several associations and communities in colledge, took an active part in the activities.
