

第1个回答  2011-07-24
Some celebrity ignoring the law, too proclaim "personality," money talks, people because of celebrity worship, easy to follow, which is blind moral hazard.
Celebrity effect also can lead people to set up the correct right. If PuCunXi he called for all love, he took AIDS relief children's welfare advertisement, they make people believe that love and justice.
So, to celebrity effect we should see the essence through the phenomena. Not blindly follow the joneses ", namely, to reason, not.

Celebrity effect also can lead people to set up the correct right.误导用mislead会好些吧?
还有最后的要理性,是否应该写成develop an rational attitude .

第2个回答  2011-07-25
Some celebrities ignore the law and exaggerate personility. They believe that money is everything. As people adore the celebrities blindly, they can easily and blindly follow them which will later cause the moral hazard.
Celebrity charm can also lead people to build the right perception of what is right and what is wrong. For example, Pu Cunxi calls on people to care about the AIDS, and he shoots a public service advertising of saving the children which makes people believe love and justice.
As a result, we should see through the appearance to perceive the essence about the celebrity charm, that is to say, we should not follow blindly, compare unrealistically and should act rationally.本回答被提问者采纳