

第1个回答  2011-03-03

Farewells ought to be scenes of contentment. If you feel melancholy and grief when saying goodbye, it would mean that you have not done good enough before moving on by leaving your fetters behind. Once you do what you ought to, would you still feel the same when you say farewell? Should it be a contentment instead?追问



我确定没有语法问题。但是,我真心觉得 W_zuyin 的翻译比我好,有文彩,佩服(: 所以,采纳他/她的答案吧!

第2个回答  2011-03-03
Parting ought to be a moment of celebration and laughter, for adieu is a sweet word. Farewell sorrows and laments are merely proofs of your inability to let the past remain the past. Had you done your part, wherefore would you regret the inevitable separation?

第3个回答  2011-03-03
Leave should be sing laughter scene. If the parting the moment you sad and sorry, that proves you before parting do well, leaving a variety of fetter. When you do what they should do everything, that in your farewell will also sad and sorry? Shouldn't we sang laugh?
第4个回答  2011-03-03
Parting scene should be singing laughter. If you are in the moment of parting is full of sorrow and regret, that proves you are not good enough before departure, leaving behind all sorts of fetters. When you do everything they should do that in your time of departure will be sad and regret it? Should not laugh singing it?
第5个回答  2011-03-03