
本文介绍的电动车里程/速度表是以AT89C52单片机系统和霍尔传感器相结合的车速里程测量系统。本系统扩展了一片具有保护功能的 EEPROM存储器24C01作为数据存储;利用霍尔传感器采集转速脉冲信号;采用LED显示模块实时显示车速和里程。系统设计充分考虑了信号处理电路及显示电路的可靠性。该装置的特点是:测量稳定可靠、动态显示及时准确、应用对象广。

关键词 : 霍尔传感器 单片机 车速里程表 24C01 LED显示器

第1个回答  2007-06-08
This paper introduces the electric car mileage / speedometer is AT89C52 Hall sensor systems and the combination of speed mileage measurement system. The system is an extension of the protection functions of 24 31th EEPROM memory as data storage; using Hall sensor acquisition speed pulse signal; LED Display Module using real-time showing the speed and mileage. System Design fully consider the signal processing circuit and display circuit reliability. The device is characterized by : a stable and reliable measurement, dynamic display timely and accurate, wide application objects. This paper introduces the automobile instrument development process and the Speedometer trends and the development and current conditions. Secondly, according to the system requirements, to develop sensors, microprocessor, LED display modules, and other important device options. Then, according to the actual requirements for the use of the corresponding hardware SCM system. Finally, the use of C51 programming tools, hardware and system software supporting the design process.