

第1个回答  2011-06-18
I cried because I could not give up.
第2个回答  2011-06-18
I cried for I just cant let it go.
第3个回答  2011-06-18
I cried for I cannot stop to love you.

I cried because I could not give up.

舍不得 英语怎么说 我舍不得你.
I hate to part with you.我舍不得离开你.I'm loath for you to leave.我舍不得你走

Why do I always think of you, because I won't you, because I love you

感人的情话,Without you,I am nothing.
你要知道,当你想我的时候其实我也在想着你,这样你的思念便不会孤单。Without you,I am nothing.爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你!2021最高大上的英语情话大全:I am faling in love with you. 1....

good wind, like the memory of those years, but this time next year, we have to Tiangeyifang, so come to fear that I will want to time, I am afraid I will forget you, we have to forget the good times would very much hope that Stand still and stay in these days of.T...

I cannot bear to leave you .It seemed like I'd been giving out so much for so long. Reluctant as I may be and keep us safe from love for each other.

我还真舍不得 I can hardly tear myself away 结束这浪漫的错误 To end this romantic mistake 你只是爱得傻乎乎 谁在乎 You are only a fool in love Who cares 因为我们一样的胡涂 介意不来 只有配合演出 不管多勉强只能笑 不能哭 No matter how with a forced smile without tears 难得你还...

单拿出 舍不得 这3个字 很难翻译准确。因为这3个字在汉语里就可以有多种意思。比如 舍不得花时间 舍不得离开 舍不得金钱。虽然在汉语里 都是 舍不得 同样的3个字,但在英文里却不一样了。给你推荐几个,你自己选择 看哪个更适合你要表达的意思。1 grude。 例如 grude the time。舍不得...

you enough time to rest, when you are better ,you will come back to me.You said you want to leave me some good memory for me to make love with me that night.Thank you , thank you for the last love you gave me .参考资料:我翻译完了,不知道楼主能否兑现自己的承诺呢?

放不下,舍不得。翻译成英文unwilling to give up,abandon,..can't afford to abandon, drop, give up
