
关于感谢父母的英语作文 高考在即,假如你是某高中高三中学学生李明,此时想和父母说心里话,用英文在博客上给父母写信, 1 .心里话,感恩(关心与鼓励,倾注爱心,) 2 .期望(加强交流与理解,排出压力,是自己保持良好状态)(创造条件,给自己提供适时的帮组) 3打算 (至少三点) 100字左右, 谢谢了, 急求,

第1个回答  2011-06-07
Dear parents,

Thank you for always supporting me without any conditions. As your son (or daughter) I'd like to appreciate your kindness by this letter. As the exam is near, I hope you can understand my stressful condition and communicate with me with encouraging words. Also, please give me some personal space before my exam. I can adjust myself well before the test because I know my own study progress very well. Furthermore, I studies very hard during the whole year and prepare for the exam so I'm very confident. Finally, I study a lot with my classmates who give me lots of suggestions. I think with those helps above I can do while during the exam. So please do not worry for me.

Love you all,

第2个回答  2011-06-07
Dear Father and Mother,
As my examination days are coming nearer, I want to say something to you. Thank you for your love and care all these years as well as your encouragement, without which I don't know what would have become of me. I hope we can strengthen our communication and understanding so that I can reduce some of the pressure I have from the Entrance Exam and try to keep a good physical and mental state so as to create favourable conditions for the Exam. After the Exam, I will spend more time staying with you. I will learn to do more housework,and I will start to read more English in the morning. So again with your encouragement, I expect to do quite well in the coming exam.
Your son,
Li Ming