一篇英语日记 70词左右

其他要求:事情经过 1.我和朋友张峰在公园里玩;2.突然听见流水声,发现水管破损了;3.找块布包扎,担不起作用,4.有人走过来,一起寻找水阀并关闭。 感受与评价: 虽然衣服湿了但很高兴,那个人说........(省略号处自己编)

第1个回答  2011-05-31
Today,my friend Zhang Feng and I went to a park.We were playing when I suddenly heard a sound of flowing water coming from the pipe near us. Then we walked up to see what happened .We found that the pipe had broken and water flowed out continuously.We found a piece of cloth to stop it,but it had no effects.At this time,a man came towards us and we found the water gate and turned it off.Though my clothes got wet,I felt happy with our experiences .
第2个回答  2011-05-31
Zengfeng and i had fun in the park. Suddenly, we hear running water. Found the water pipe was broken, we looked for a piece of fabric to wrap it up but failed. Right at this time,one person passed by and helped us to find out the valve and shut it down, Comment:The cloth got wet but we happy, that person said.....本回答被提问者采纳