

第1个回答  2007-06-04
Now the world, engulfs the entire world take the informationtechnology as the characteristic information tide, the humanity isfacing from the industry society to the information society, from thecommodity economy to the knowledge economy, from the modern scienceand technology to the information science and technology, from themodern agriculture to the information agriculture transformation, theinformation technology took now the world high-tech core, the soul andthe leadership, its rapid development and the widespread applicationinvolve social each aspect, a national information level will decideit in the 21st century strengths and the status. But in the ourcountry 1.3 billion population has 900 million farmers in thecountryside, therefore develops the countryside information to turninto heavily for our country development center is heavy. Our country countryside information construction had the certainprogress in recent years, but leaves the countryside modernization therequest to be also far. Meets strengthens the investigation and study,is clear about the countryside information construction work theprioritize domain, unifies the plan and the macroscopic instructionconstruct the countryside information network service system, thepolicy making, strengthens countryside information talented person'squality training. This article according to the countryside information connotation andthe composition essential factor, elaborated and has analyzed ourcountry countryside information present situation and the existencequestion and elaborates our country later to develop the countrysideinformation countermeasure, unifies our country actual problemsituation to propose most favor our country countryside informationconstruction the conception.