我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。抛弃时间的人,时间抛弃他.I wasted time, gave I wasted. Abandon time

这事莎士比亚的作品的一句话,根据这句话写写自己的感想,和关于作者的一些东西,主要还是 写关于这句话的感想,谢谢。跪求。明天上交,,英文作文!!!!A4半张就行谢了 邮箱lq4614926@163.com
对了高三 或者大学水平就行,

第1个回答  2011-04-17
There is a Chinese proverb says that: An hour in, prodigality time.
All along, I do not quite understand how precious time, according to the steps that were born, reading, school, marriage, children. . . Perhaps his life to that of the bar.
Time for me is just a way of calculating age
Shakespeare I wasted time, gave I wasted. Abandon time.
I like a splash of cold water, I have been abandoned had my time.
Not lived up to the wonderful, step by step in life is not what I want.
Take a deep breath, I told myself out loud, I can no longer wasted time.
I want to strive to live out of me, beyond the self. The pursuit of happiness.
Make his own happiness, so that my loved ones happy.
Live well every day.
When I'm old, I do not want my memory is blank. I hope that is wonderful, every moment I move in the direction they want to work hard.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-17
第3个回答  2011-04-17