
3.广告语言交际互动中的对话方式:对话方式有多种,常见的是问答法。 广告语篇问答不同于生活会话中的一问一答的情况。问答法又可分为两种:描述式和问题-解决式。 描述式广告类型较多,结构较为复杂,但一般对话都是围绕着主题而展开的,可以使对话人物各抒己见,人物互为信息诱发者和信息提供者;也可以是一问一答,一方为信息诱发者,另一方为信息提供者;还可以像相声一样,一方提供主要信息,另一方附和调侃。无论是哪一种,都是对某种商品或服务的特点,性能,功效,有点及其过人之处的描述,而且一般结尾都会提供地址或联系电话等信息。这类广告以药品和医院广告居多。王雅芳(2005)认为,广告活动不仅是向读者传递信息,更重要的是传递情感,自问自答形式充分表明发话人组织话语时考虑到受众的反应,对读者可能有的感受充分理解,充分展示发话人与受话人之间积极的情感互动,使之在情感共鸣的前提下认可并购买商品

第1个回答  2007-04-28
1. advertisements languages human relations interaction participationperson: Generally manifests for the advertisement business and theconsumer, in advertisement language, the human relations participatesin the person to manifest is advertisement business, the advertisementhost, or many goals which the advertisement aims receives theaudiences, the audience or the reader participates in the humanrelations speech with which and further because converses differentlyto divide into the way the speech the intention (intended) speech,actually speech, purports the speech as well as is actual the speech.The advertisement language human relations process has actual speecheither intention speech and the intention or is actual the humanrelations process the speech which is participation together thespeech. In 2. advertisements languages human relations interaction dialoguecontent: The good pass high generally realizes following fivefunctions: Brings to the attention, arouses the interest, arouses therespect, sets firm resolve and takes the action. Advertisementbusiness tries hard to cause to produce the audiences to thepropaganda product the interest and the purchase desire, believesfirmly this product to surpass other similar products and can meet ownsome kind of needs, finally sets firm resolve to adopt the practicalaction, thus achieves the advertisement the final goal. This requestadvertisement content is different in the daily life the conversation. In 3. advertisements languages human relations interactionconversational mode: The conversational mode has many kinds of, whatis common is the question and answer law. An advertisement languagequestion and answer is different in the life conversation askedanswers situation. The question and answer law may divide into twokinds: Description type and question - solution type. Description typeadvertisement type more, the structure is complex, but generallyconverses all is revolving, may cause the dialogue character which thesubject launches to state views, character mutually for informationinducing and information provider; Also may be asked answers, a sidefor information inducing, another side for information provider; Alsomay like the crosstalk to be same, a side provides the maininformation, another side echoes teases. Which one kind regardless ofis, all is to some kind of commodity or the service characteristic,the performance, the effect, a little and its forte description,moreover the general ending can provide information and so on addressor telephone. This kind of advertisement is in the majority by thedrugs and the hospital advertisement. Wang Yafang (2,005) believed,the ad campaign not only is transmits the information to the reader,more importantly transmits the emotion, self-examined from answers theform fully to indicate speaks the person organizes when the wordsconsidered audiences' response, the feeling full understanding whichreading and comparing possibly has, the full demonstration speaks theperson with the speech person between the positive emotioninteraction, causes it at under the emotion sympathetic chord premisethe approval and the purchase commodity
第2个回答  2007-04-30
1. Advertising Language Communication interactive participants : general expression for advertisers and consumers in advertising discourse, Communication participants reflected advertisers, advertisers, advertising or point to a number of target audiences, viewers or readers in communication with the speaker by speaker because of the way the dialogue is divided into different intentions (intended) speaker, the speaker actual attempt by the speaker and the actual recipient persons. Advertising Communication is a practical course of the speaker or the speaker and the intention of intent by the speaker or the actual recipient who participate in exchanges interpersonal process. 2. Communicative language advertising in the interactive dialogue : good relations generally high achieving the following five functions : to attract attention and arouse interest arouse respect, determination and action. Advertisers bid to turn the audience on the promotion of products and the purchase of an interest in the desire convinced that the product is better than other similar products and will meet their particular needs, and ultimately strengthen our resolve to take practical action, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of advertising. This requires that the content of the advertisement is different from everyday conversation. 3. Communicative language advertising in the interactive dialogue : There are many types of dialogue, most of the question and answer. Advertising quiz is different from life in a conversational question-and-answer situation. Quiz law can be divided into two categories : description and problem-solving type. Description more types of advertising, the structure is more complicated, but in general the dialogue revolves around the theme start, people can express their opinions so that the dialogue, the characters evoked information to each other and the information provided; it can also be a question-answer. One party induced information, the other for information providers; also like monologues, the main party to provide information, the other chiming joked. No matter what, all of a commodity or service features, performance and effectiveness, and the sleeves of some description, In general, the end will provide addresses or phone numbers, and other information. Drugs such advertisements to hospitals and the majority of advertising. Wang Ya-fang (2005) that the advertising campaign is not only to impart information readers, but more importantly to get emotional, question : form shows discourse caller organizations to take into account the audience's reaction, Some readers may feel fully understood, and fully display the caller and the recipient between positive emotional interaction, make it emotional resonance in the premise and authorized the purchase of merchandise

