
第一, 发展连锁超市电子商务的瓶颈得到突破商品的标准化, 品牌化逐渐得到增强, 进而又促进商品的可信度提高, 消费者只需借助商品的品牌和相关标准就可以在网上买到尽可能多适合自己的商品, 而无需担心商品的品质和款式等。同时, 电子商务的技术、网络支付安全性、物流配送体系。以及电子商务的相关立法将逐渐发展和完善。这一切都将为超市电子商务发展提供坚实的客观基础。
第二, 企业经营者对电子商务的兴趣逐渐增加日益增长的社会需求和连锁超市之间的激烈竟争, 相关电子商务人才的不断丰富, 为超市经营者开展网络交易提供了条件另外, 网络交易可以节省开店费用, 减少开店密度, 并且可以节省物流成本等优点也为超市经营者实施电子商务带来了动力。7-11的电子商务的迅速发展也为我国超市经营者提供了示范效应, 使人们看到了电子商务的美好前景。
第三, 连锁超市企业自身经营特点有利于开展电子商务, 连锁超市作为零售业的一种业态, 以其价格低廉、品种齐全而具有极强的竞争力。我国网上消费者多为中等收人水平, 消费能力较强, 更注重服务和便利, 而且他们具有较高的文化层次个性化需求较为明显。连锁超市可以为这种较高端的个性化服务提供理想平台。并且, 连锁超市开展电子商务更具规模优势。其自身的分支机构庞大, 分店遍布各地, 为网上销售商品的质量、售后服务及厂商信誉等都提供了有力的保障。

第1个回答  2009-05-06
First, the development of electronic commerce chain supermarkets get breakthrough commodity standardization bottlenecks, branding, and gradually improve and promote the credibility of the goods, consumer goods from the brand and the relevant standards can be bought on the net to suit oneself as much as possible, and do not have to worry about the quality of products and design, etc. At the same time, the electronic commerce technology, network security, and pay the logistics distribution system. And e-commerce legislation will gradually developing and perfecting. All this will provide solid supermarket e-commerce development the objective basis.
Second, business operators for e-commerce increase gradually increasing interest in the social demand and the fierce competition between the supermarket chain and related electronic commerce talented person ceaselessly, for supermarket operator network transactions, the condition can save network transactions costs, reduce set shop, and can save the density of logistics cost advantages for supermarkets managers implement e-commerce brought momentum. 7-11 of the rapid development of e-commerce also provides for our supermarket operator demonstration effect, make people see a bright prospect of e-commerce.
Third, the supermarket chain enterprise itself to develop e-commerce business characteristics as retail chain supermarket, a format, with its low price, complete varieties and with strong competitiveness. Our online consumers more moderate income level, for the consumer, strong ability to pay more attention to service and convenient, and they have high level of culture and personalized needs more obvious. For this supermarket chain can provide an ideal high end personalized service platform. And e-commerce, supermarket chain more size advantage. Its branches all around, branch, the quality of goods for online marketing, after-sale service and reputation all provide a powerful guarantee.