哪位好心人帮忙翻译下 万分感谢啦。。。。

去年暑假,我去非洲旅游。感触很深,也见到了 很多新奇的东西。下面,给大家展示点照片。
1,这是在路边抓拍的一处房子外的绘图,非常漂 亮。这是当地人随手画的图案,可见他们的形象 思维非常好。但逻辑思维就不敢恭维。
2,这是当地的一个贫民区,外面是专门卖给贫民 的牛杂,看起来非常的脏。
3,这是一个叫ZANZIBER岛上最好的一个酒店,一 晚最便宜是400美元,不包括三餐和其它的游乐活 动。里面设施相当齐全,SPA和健身房等等。
4,下面的是在一个热带雨林里面抓拍的东西,这 是红毛猴,全世界只有这儿有。在当地,这种猴 子是随便在路上跑的,非常自由。这是一种根外 露的树。非常特别。
5,这是当地的小孩,非常可爱,看见它们的笑容 觉得很质朴很温柔。其实,当地的群众对所有的 旅客都很好,尽管它们很贫穷,但是从它们身上 没有丝毫对生活的抱怨,它们依然对生活充满了 希望。
今天向大家展示的图片就到此为止,下次继续! 谢谢

Last year, summer vacation, I went to the African tourism. Deep feelings, but also saw a lot of strange things. Next, give everyone points to display photos.
1, This is to capture at the roadside outside the house of one of the drawings, very pretty. This is the local people readily draw the patterns, we see that they are very good thinking in terms of images. But logical thinking on the leaves much to be desired.
2, This is a local slum, outside expertise are sold to poor offal, look very dirty.
3, this is an island called ZANZIBER one of the best hotels, the cheapest one night is 400 U.S. dollars, not including meals and other recreational activities. Inside the facilities are complete, SPA and gym and so on.
4, the following are in a tropical rain forest inside to capture things, This is Hungmao monkey, only here there is all over the world. At the local, the monkeys are not run On the way, very free. This is an exposed tree root. A very special one.
5, This is the local kids, very sweet to see them smile is very gentle and very simple. In fact, the local people of all visitors are good, even though they are poor, but from their way of life did not have any complaints, they are still full of hope for life.
Today to show everyone the picture on the end, continue to the next! Thanks